Think Different. Think ISO.
At Stronga, we take a whole business view and encourage customers to think differently.
We actively seek out methods and techniques which are useful to clients, helping take their cost savings and efficiency gains to the next level. One option when considering improving material logistics operational efficiency is the use of crossover technology, ‘intermodal transport’ (road, rail and sea cargo). As the world looks towards intermodal drayage as the future of transport – we encourage clients to pioneer that future, together with Stronga, and benefit from early adopter advantages.
Globalise Your Operations
Intermodal transport can become a reality for you by making the sound investment in a multi-purpose HookLoada trailer. Then, by adding a strong ISO A-frame, this opens up to you the world of truly multi-purpose logistics solutions offering transport, handling, storage and processing capabilities. All of this is made possible within a fleet of easily affordable shipping containers.
Stronga hooklift trailers enable you to efficiently move and shuttle ISO containers, on and off road. Picking up and tipping ability is a key benefit.
Revolutionary ISO Transport System
When coupled with cross sector shipping containers, Stronga hooklift trailers offer a revolutionary approach when compared to standard farm trailers, standard trucks and transport systems, offering huge cost and time savings each and every cycle. There is also the added potential to add value to your business operation.
Stronga can suitably match requirements to the correctly specified HookLoada and ISO crossover frame type, perfectly scaled and developed to suit your needs. Imagine the potential to add value to your crops and materials with hooklift shipping container operations.
Imagine the Crossover Potential
Working together with Stronga, customers can develop more applications and optimal solutions over time. Personally customise your bespoke ISO frames to meet your individual requirements, or work together with local container producers to develop a bespoke application. Go the next level of flexibility with a Stronga hooklift trailer - take control of your handling, storage and processing costs.
Imagine the crossover potential when coupling a hooklift trailer with a shipping container. In the video, discover just a few of the multi-use, multi-season, multi-application situations made possible when coupling HookLoada with a shipping container.
Amazing Shipping Container Uses
Discover the following amazing shipping container uses, all made possible when your ISO container is coupled with a Stronga hooklift trailer:
Bulk liquids using FlexiTank
Bulk liquids using ISO Tank
Bulk solids in shipping container
Shipping container bale transport
Machinery transport inside ISO container
Refrigerated shipping container (Reefer container)
Workshop shipping container
Indoor garden / growing space shipping container (container farms / CropBox)
Home office ISO container
Sauna shipping container
Shipping container shed garden
Shipping container swimming pool
Retail (pop up café) shipping container
And many more shipping container uses…
Imagine your shipping container application, easily transportable from site-to-site using a Stronga hooklift trailer.
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