Formidable, Resilient & Compact
The HL140 hook loader is resilient, compact and well proven across a wide range of industries. HookLoada HL140 is suited to tractors from 80-140HP. Containers of 5500mm optimum length can be transported at high speed, increasing efficiency and productivity. With a foldable tower, the HL140 hook loader has a very low container loading angle which minimises stress on the system.
Excellent manoeuvrability. Impressive reliability.
For customers wanting a hook loader with excellent manoeuvrability, impressive reliability and medium lifting capacity, the HL140 model is the ideal solution. Using HL140, operating costs can be better managed in terms of reducing fuel bills, maintenance costs and labour requirements per tonne of material handled. Become an innovator. Take the lead with Stronga hook loader.

Planned approach to transport
By taking a fresh look at transport with a planned and considered approach, customers can make both capital and operational savings with the HL140 hook loader trailer. Professional contractors continue to find the multi-purpose nature of this hook loader trailer as a huge advantage over standard single-purpose farm trailers. Discover your potential fuel savings below:
• Avoid the fuel consumption of operating several tractors and several single-purpose trailers by using 1 tractor and 1 multi-purpose HookLoada.
• Enjoy excellent fuel efficiency with well-designed tyre and suspension configurations lowering your overall carbon footprint.
• Insulate your business against rising fuel prices in the future by using less fuel up-front.
Стандартні специфікації

*Container locking design varies according to market.

Model | HookLoada HL140 |
Загальна вага (40км/год) | 18000 кг |
Вага власної тари | ca. 4000 кг |
Максимальне навантаження на гачок | 14000 кг |
Максимальне навантаження на перекидання | 14000 кг |
Навантаження на дишло | 3000 кг (4000 кг *) |
Висота гачка | C.D. |
Гакова вежа | Відкидна |
Хід гака | - |
Вантажопідйомність ресорної підвіски | C.D. |
Головні циліндри | 2 од |
Потреба в мастилі | 14 літрів |
Мінімальна вимога до тяги | 100HP |
Висота зчіпки | 510-550-590mm |
Необхідний гідравлічний тиск | 200 бар |
Загальна довжина | 6510mm |
Максимальна ширина (стандартні колеса) | 2550mm |
Стандартні колеса | 455/40 R22,5 |
Підключення до трактора | 3 x подвійної дії |
The information shown on this web page is representative of a “DIN Standard” HL140 hook-lift trailer. Specifications and dimensions may vary depending on the customer’s local market preferences and regional laws. Specification, weights and payload may vary on fast tow models. As we are continually improving our products, technical details, masses and measurements are given as reference values only.
* 4000kg with K-80 ball towing hitch