DumpLoada DL600

Compact, highly agile dump trailer for sale

Incredible strength. In compact form.

DL600 dump trailer for sale, delivering truly unbeatable value for money.

The DL600 tipper trailer is specifically conceived for use by professional contractors on small-to-medium size construction projects. What the DL600 model lacks in size, compared to other models in the range, it makes up for in incredible manoeuvrability, exceptional reliability and the highest performance.

Small → medium size projects

Compact with mighty strength

Full Hardox body

With a design developed through decades

You need a reliable trailer.

No more. No less.

You need a construction-site trailer that makes your life simple – that gets the job done, performs in tough conditions, and is easily maintained. That’s what our legacy of building tipper trailers has taught us; and it’s a future we’ll continue to pioneer with every new DL600 dump trailer.

Take the lead, while others follow

Stronga dump trailer for sale, delivering Stronga’s values with market-leading features:

(1) Ultra-low chassis enables the comfort of a stable ride with improved cornering in tight spaces.
(2) Pin and cup system allows quick and easy removal of the rear door to transport heavy plant.
(3) 65° tipping angle accelerates deposition while making efficient use of yard storage space.
(4) Minimal under-floor supports with ultra-light, extra-strong full Hardox wear plate body.
(5) Low profile tyres minimise height, improving the ease in which heavy plant is loaded.

Стандартні специфікації

BPW commercial axle, 410x120 brake axles, 110x110mm square beam, 10 stud.
14t multileaf sprung suspension. 1200mm distance between axles.
Fixed drawbar.
445/40 R22,5 radial tyres.
Single top-hung rear door with hydraulic flip back.
3 position plate for bolting towing eyelet.
Swivel towing hitch. STR type. 50mm diameter eyelet.
HARDOX 450 steel. 6mm floor. 6mm sides.
12 V electric system. Sealed loom. All lights super-bright LED.
Cable-type hand brake.
Hydraulic support leg.

Додаткове обладнання

BPW commercial axle, 410x120 brake axles, 120x120mm square beam, 10 stud.
Load sensing for hydraulic brakes.
Load Sensing Valve (LSV) for air brakes.
Dual air and hydraulic brake system.
Automatic slack adjusters.
Multi-position sprung drawbar for high comfort at speed.
Bolted-on ball towing hitch, Scharmuller type, 80mm diameter.
Swivel towing hitch, Scharmuller type. 50mm diameter eyelet.
Hydraulic drawbar for easy trailer levelling and high comfort. Перегляньте відео >
Other tyre brands and tyre sizes available.
Contact us for more information >
2 x rear rubber mud-flaps.
Hard plastic quarter mudguards, front and rear of the tipper trailer.
Lockable steel toolbox. Various sizes available.
Contact us for more information >
Aluminium, heavy-duty side protection rails.
Multi-position removable round bumper at the rear of the tipper trailer.
Two super-bright LED rear working lights.
Rear towing eyelet mounting plate for VBG rear drawbar.
Rear mounted hydraulic brake connection.
Rear mounted light connection 7-pin socket.
Rear real-time video camera with screen display.
Model DumpLoada DL600
Загальна вага (брутто) 18000 кг
Вага власної тари ca. 3500 кг
Максимальна корисне навантаження 14500 кг
Навантаження на дишло 3000 кг (4000 кг *)
Вантажопідйомність ресорної підвіски 14000kg
Стандартна місткість для транспорту 6m³
Місткість підйому на кроці 1 при 180 бар 29,7 тонни
Потреба в мастилі 15,5 літри
Мінімальна вимога до тяги 74 кВт (100 к.с.)
Висота зчіпки 510-550-590mm
Bottom tickness 6 mm HARDOX 450
Side tickness 4 mm HARDOX 450
Висота кузова всередині 600mm
Довжина кузова всередині 4060mm
Загальна довжина 5605mm
Загальна висота 1785mm
Загальна висота при 65" 4920mm (60˚)
Максимальна ширина (стандартні колеса) 2550mm
Стандартні колеса 445/45 R19,5
Колір Жовтий
Швидкість 40 км/год

All weights and measurements are subject to tipper trailer specification and regional laws. Specification, weights and payload may vary on fast tow models. As we are continually improving our products, technical details, masses and measurements are given as reference values only.